Reducing Adapter
Fitting of Reducing Adapter
Products Found: 34
Scratches on the tube might cause leaks. It is. therefore. important to handle the tube carefulty to reduce the risk of leaks.
1. - Tubes must not be dragged on the floor.
2. - Tubes must not be dragged out of a tubing rack. especlally in cases of large 00 tubes.
Two different tools can be used to eut tubes:
1. - Tube cutter
2. - Hacksaw
Tube Cutter
To attain a leak-free connection, the tubing must be eut spuarely. A good quality tube cutter with the correct cutting vitieel for the type of tubing being eut ts recommended. Do not try to reduce the time of cutting by taking deep cuts with each tum of the cutter.
The end of the tube must be ôeburred to avoid damage to the frttng and to ensure that the tube reaches the bottom of tbe fittmg.
Hacksaw cutting
In order to eut the tube with a hacksaw and to attain square ends, tbe tube must be eut with guide biocks. Thts method of cutting requires deburhng of the tube ends.
Do not hoid the tube in a vise in the place where it wil be inserted into the fitting. The vise will leave a mark on the tube that may cause leaks and might cause ovality.