Compact Design High Torque Capacity High Rigidity Excellent Positioning Accuracy Automatic Adjust spindle
what are the key Features of Harmonic Speed Reducers?
Compact Design
High Torque Capacity
High Rigidity
Excellent Positioning Accuracy
Automatic Adjust spindle
What are Harmonic Speed Reducers?
Advanced mechanical devices used for exact motion control and effective power transfer, Harmonic Speed Reducers-also known as Harmonic Drives or Strain Wave Gears-have Thanks to their small design, lightweight construction, and great accuracy, these parts are quite prized in robotics, aircraft, medical technology, and automation.
what are the Key Components of Harmonic Speed Reducers?
Usually consisting of three main components, a harmonic speed reducer looks like
Wave Generator: Driven motion comes via an elliptical-shaped flexible bearing known as a wave generator. It deforms the surrounding flex spline as it rotates so that one may interact with the circular spline.
Flex Spline: External teeth abound on this thin, flexible ring. It wraps securely around the wave generator and its adaptability lets it transfer motion by consecutively engaging the circular spline.
Circular Spline: Comparatively to the flex spline, the circular spline is a rigid ring with internal teeth with somewhat more teeth. Attaining the speed reduction depends on this tooth difference.