The HI 6500 series are EtherNet/IP® enabled weight processors with a Rockwell Add-On-Profile (AOP). They have a big, bright multi-channel display and deliver fast, high-resolution weight readings. They also feature Profibus-DP, Modbus, Analog, and Ethernet communication options.
Weight processors are used as front ends to control systems or standalone for all types of general weighing applications. Operating blind or with a display, they measure, condition and communicate weight without any need to control.
The HI 6500 series delivers stable processed rate with a resoluton of 1:10:000, and an update speed of 110 updates per second (processor, display and comm.). They enhance the productivity of process manufacturing systems where fast, precise weight-based controls are critical. They offer you many communication choices including EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP & Modbus RTU, and Analog 4-20mA.