HDUF series component sets are characterised by their extremely flat construction. They are used to achieve high gear ratios in combination with a very short construction length and a low weight. Flat gears follow the principle of strain wave gears and have a simple structure. They are ideal for use in differential applications and with positioning drives.
Shortest length and low weight
The short axial length of the flat gears in the HDUF enable maximum gear reduction in a very small construction space. Flat gears are particularly suitable for dynamic servo systems and also as differential units for phase adjusters and speed controllers. Their ease of installation and maintenance-free operation are further reasons for using this kind of gear in all fields of mechanical engineering. Intermittent motion cycles at low torques are the classic application for the highly compact HDUF flat gear series. In the HDUF series of flat gears, an extra element is applied to the functional principle of the Harmonic Drive® strain wave gear. The dynamic spline (DS) is a hollow wheel with internal teeth - the same number of teeth as the flexspline. This component rotates in the same direction and at the same rotational speed as the flexspline and is used as an output element in speed reduction configurations. The dynamic spline differs from the circular spline by the chamfer in the external circumference.
Chemical industry
Printing machines
Motor and Control Equipment
Valve drives
Flexo printing machines
Offset printing machines
Stator winding machines