Console housing for an ergonomic workstation
Are you searching for an ergonomic solution for operating production equipment? häwa control consoles are designed for ergonomic operation, whether the operator is standing or seated. Control cabinets provide storage space for components.
Desk systems are where you perform measuring, control and regulating tasks in your daily work. Do you tend to stand hunched over the console when performing these tasks? In the long run, this will result in back pain or other complaints.
To avoid these problems, Häwa places great value on innovative design in the development of control consoles. Angled console plates and angled or stepped front panels create a highly ergonomic workstation. You can expect the correct height, ideal angle, optimal line of sight, and easy access when operating the console – for comfortable working, even over long hours.
The console housings made of metal (sheet steel or stainless steel) are empty cabinets with an additional flap in the upper part of the console plate. Built-in elements such as a keyboard or a touch screen are installed in this console plate, which is why these systems are also known as PC consoles.
In addition, the desk systems offer further storage space for machine components inside. The front and/or back of the control desk enclosure are closed with flaps or doors. This well-designed construction allows easy access to all built-in components, which is beneficial for installation, maintenance or repair.
The robust construction and long service life of the console housings protect the components housed inside from dust, moisture, mechanical impact or electromagnetic interference.