It is mainly used in aerospace information electronics and other fields to determine the environmental adaptability and reliability test of instruments, electrical products, materials, parts and equipment under low pressure, high temperature and low temperature or at the same time, and to measure the electrical performance parameters of specimens when they are energized.
GJB150.3-1986 high-temperature test;
GJB150.4-1986 low-temperature test;
GJB150.6-1986 temperature height test;
IEC 60068-2-1: 2007, Environmental Testing – Part 2-1: Tests - Tests A: Cold, IDT;
IEC60068-2-2:2007,Environmental testing-Part 2-2:TestsTestB:Dryheat,IDT;
GJB360A-1996 Method 105: Low pressure test;
IEC 60068-2-13:1983,Basic environmental testing procedures-
Part 2:TestM:Low air pressure,IDT
IEC60068-2-40:1976,Basic environmental testing procedures- Part2:Tests TestZ/AM:Combined cold/low air pressure tests,IDT
GB/T2423.26-1992 test Z / BM: comprehensive test of high temperature / high pressure.