Heavy-oil preheaters are a variant of the electrical flow-type heaters.
They are designed for efficiently heating heavy oil to adjust the proper viscosity for the burner. The design is based on the general conditions such as the type and properties of the respective fluid, pressure and temperature as well as the desired operating points in the process.
Electrical heavy-oil heaters directly heat fuel by converting electrical energy in the heating rods to thermal energy. The thermal energy is then transferred from the heating rods to the fluid. Here, it is important that the design be matched to the general conditions, for each fluid has its specific properties.
Electrical heavy-oil preheaters heat - of course - heavy oil to adjust it to the needed viscosity which is required by the downstream separators or burners. There are different qualities of the heavy oil:
I. Heavy oil
Bunker B
Bunker C
For reasons of procurement or prices other materials can be burnt partially such as, for example:
II. Other fuels
Animal fat
Palm oil
Waste oil
If these fuels must also be covered, the heavy-oil preheater requires a special design. We are prepared to advise you.