Heinen doors are the preferred option for acoustics specialists owing to their impressive acoustic test results (up to -55 dB!).
Confidentiality, respect for privacy and working conditions are all elements which now require an environment where sound pollution must be limited. The aim is to improve the corporate image, reduce the incidence of work-related illness and make the workplace more attractive.
This is why Heinen has deployed its skills for the benefit of its customers such as leisure centres, telecommunications companies, theatres, industrial companies, test centres, etc. Our customers want real soundproof doors that are easy to use and look good at the same time.
This is what Heinen had in mind when it developed its famous soundproof doors: 7cm thick, ultra-thin or collapsible doorsills to enable heavy traffic to pass through easily and comfortably.
In addition, Heinen took care to ensure that the acoustic properties of its doors can be combined with other performance features (fire resistance, burglary resistance, etc.).