Material:Clamping module mild steel.
Base plate steel 1.1730.Version:Clamping module contact surfaces case-hardened and ground.
Base plate ground on both sides.Note:Completely mounted multi-clamping stations with integrated UNI lock Ø138 mm mounting clamps. The clamping stations are secured to the machine table directly or with clamps.
Common bore patterns are pre-centred on the rear side for mounting.
Clamping stations can be aligned via the 14H7 reference holes.
The clamping stations are actuated via a central pneumatic connection.
The high clamping forces are generated by the integrated spring package (the unit clamps in the de-pressurized state).
The release process occurs pneumatically.
The following retaining forces are possible with the UNI lock clamping bolt in conjunction with mounting screws M10, M12, M16:
- Retaining force (M10) 35,000N/module
- Retaining force (M12) 50,000N/module
- Retaining force (M16) 75,000N/moduleTechnical data:- Opening pressure: 6bar, lubricated air
- Turbo pressure: 6bar
- Air connection: G1/4
- Repeat accuracy ≤ 0.005 mm
- Reference holes 14H7 to align the clamping plate.
- Pneumatic connectors for 6 mm pneumatic hose.