Self-evaporating, water-insoluble punching oil with
vital plant oil content for the special
shaping of high-grade steel (V2A/V4A), steel and al
As a low-viscosity punching oil, it is characterise
d by its excellent lubrication properties with
high pressure absorption capability.
By using highly effective EP (extreme pressure) act
ive ingredients, Profi Stanz B6 attains
optimal production results in the following applica
tion areas:
Shaping and punching work (bending, crimping, press
ing) from thin plates or sheet metal to
shallow boxes, radiator parts, cream jars, thin-wal
led metal cases, steel plates (thickness
approx. 1.5mm) through to steel drum manufacture.
For all punching processes, where the accomplishmen
t of metal-shaping and/or punching
out of metal parts from plates or sheet metal as we
ll as wear-reducing lubrication of tools is