The Sigmascope® SMP350 series is manufactured by Fischer Technology, and is a conductivity meter which has a rapid and simple measurement of non-ferromagnetic metals. It complies with the directives according to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004.
Electrical conductivity is an important material property that provides information not only about a metal's ability to conduct electrical currents but also about its composition, micro structure and/or mechanical properties. Using the SIGMASCOPE® SMP350, it is easy and quick to determine the electrical conductivity with precision and accuracy.
The SMP350 can measure the electrical conductivity of any non-magnetisable metal. Furthermore, since the electrical conductivity provides data about other material properties, it is effective in a wide range of measuring applications and fields of use, including:
• Quality assurance and sorting of raw materials
• Authentication of coin alloys (e.g. specific conductivity of Euro coins)
• Assessing hardness and strength of heat-treated materials
• Inspecting for heat damage, material fatigue and cracks
• Estimating the phosphorous content in copper
• Tracking precipitation processes, e.g. for Cu-Cr alloys
• Testing the homogeneity of alloys
• Scrap metal sorting