◆ The rail guided cart is powered by low-voltage conductor rails, which is embedded in the ground. Such as, 380V/ 440V AC power supply stepdown and rectified into 36VDC. This DC power will given connected to rails.
◆ Transfer cart wheel which have contact over rail, pickup supply from rail through wheels and energize the DC geared motor which drive the transfer cart wheels.
◆ Oversize
◆ Low-voltage rail powered
◆ Die handling
◆ Motor driven
◆ Customized cart decking
◆ Applied in mold factory
The trolley is divided into two or three parts for the convenience of transportation and loading. It suits to transfer die, besides, the transfer cars are designed to accommodate the needs of a wide range of industries. They are designed to operate on rails and are used to transport heavy materials across bays or in areas not serviced by an overhead crane.
The material handling cart are used to transfer heavy load material in heavy manufacturing industry including Steel, Aluminum, Automotive, Stamping, Heavy Manufacturing and several others. Handling material such as steel coil, billets, bloom, ladle & scrap, locomotive, vehicle, work pieces to painting shops or blasting room, etc.