Female connection with NPT or NPTF thread
Very compact
High pressure resistance
Simple assembly
Long working life
Operating conditions:
Pressure: 50 bar - higher pressure rating on request
Temperature: see table
Material certificates
Certificate of conformity to EN 10204-3.1B
Technical data:
Manufactured and tested to:
Derective for pressure equipment 97/23/EG 02/98, Module H (DIN/EN/ISO 9001)
AD 2000 Standards W0/TRD 100
Sight glass fused to metal conforming to DIN 7079
Materials to VdTÜV specifications and the DIN/EN designated standards
Ring material: Carbon steel (1.0570), Stainless Steel (1.4462 or 1.4523)
Glass: Borosilicate glass to DIN 7080 or Sodalime glass