The spring actuated machine needle shut-off nozzles type SHP are used in processing of thermoplastics, principally with low viscosity materials such as: PA, PPS, PE, POM, PP.
Finds application in: Packaging, automobile and leisure industries, medicinal and electronic equipment.
The nozzle is opened directly from the injection pressure and closed again with spring power. A needle which moves axially in the needle shut-off nozzle is held in the closed position by the force of the spring. The nozzle orifice is normally closed.
With the increasing melt pressure exerted against the spring through a ring of exposed surface area on the needle, the nozzle opens at 200 bar. If the melt pressure drops (≤ 45bar), the nozzle closes.
If the standard opening pressure is not appropriate, the needle must be modified to the requirements (modification of the spring is not possible).
The nozzle size required depends on the injection rate per second (cm3/s).
Material leakage when dosing with a withdrawn injection unit
Material leakage while vertically injecting
Productivity factors:
Controlled, clean shut-off of the melt stream
Shorter cycle times - increase in productivity
Increased process reliability and repeatability
Usability with increased back pressure - improved homogenization
Quick installation
Add-on capability (on tool side)
Filter module