Made by Himoinsa, this model NEFR54 TM 2A has an output that rates 87.5 kW prp and 96.2 kW on standby. It is a turbocharged diesel of a 4 stroke-cycle type. The engine is after cooled and is a direct injection type. It has 4-L cylinder arrangement with a stroke and bore measurement of 104 x 132 mm., The engine will displace about 4.5 liters. A mixture of half water and half glycol is what comprises the fluid required by the device's cooling system. This engine uses ACEA E3 - E5 lube oil. The compression ratio in this machine measures 17.5:1. Standby fuel consumption measures 24.4 liters per hour, at 100% fuel consumption, the PRP measures approximately 22 liters per hour. At 80% fuel consumption, PRP measures approximately 16.2 liters per hour. At 50% fuel consumption, PRP measures approximately 11 liters per hour. 0.5% of lube oil consumption is used during a full load. The total oil capacity of this engine is 12.8 liters without counting the filters or tubes, when the filters and tubes are counted it holds 18.5 liters. The inner portions of the exhaust pipe measure approximately 70.3 mm. in diameter, and this 12V electrical system features a water cooled radiator.