HIMOINSA now offers a technology called Engine Model FPT_IVECO. The engine type is Diesel 4-strokes cycle. Its rated output is 127, 6kWprp; 141, 1kW. It is manufactured by FPT_Iveco. It has a turbocharged and after cooled cylinders for the direct aspiration type while the injection type is Direct. The bore and stroke of this engine is 105x32mm and the cylinders arrangement is 6 L. The fuel consumption while on standby is 38,1 l/h, while on 100% PRP is 34,8 l/h, on 80% is 28,5 l/h and on 50% it is 19,2 l/h. This one of a kind engine’s total oil capacity is 25,5 L . It is Air filter type dry and inner diameter of the exhaust pipe is 70mm.