Our well-equipped printer with reduced makeup consumption and clean & easy change of cartridge-type bottles adds a new, intuitive way for our customers to communicate with our printer. SDC has the ability to build a bridge directly to your corporate ERP or other business management system.
Software Defined Controller (SDC)
In traditional production environments, connecting the IT business systems with the factory floor poses many challenges. This often results in a complicated mix of proprietary systems with significant performance and support issues. However now with SDC, Hitachi is providing a direct bridge between the IT layer and the factory floor operation.
Examples of this: An IT professional could easily mine data necessary for business management from printers located on the factory floor without having intimate knowledge of the printer’s internal processes. In short, SDC can be used to seamlessly implement business logic.
Modern Communication Protocols
By employing modern open protocols such as OPC-UA, Hitachi’s printers are ready for the upcoming Industry 4.0/IoT revolution. This open style data connectivity enables our printer to be compatible with virtually any networked platform regardless of OS.
In addition, the latest UX printers* come equipped with Ethernet/IP, OPC-UA, Modbus, and Serial RS-232. Hitachi is currently the first CIJ manufacturer to gain ODVA approval for Ethernet/IP.