The Hitachi NE4000 nanoEBAC is an electron beam based probing system for electrical characterization and EBAC analysis and imaging of microelectronic device interconnects, materials, and components.
Electron Beam Absorbed Current (EBAC) technique offers a quick and effective method to identify open circuits, high resistance and shorts along interconnects without direct probing techniques of lower level layers.
The EBAC technique is performed with the electron beam by passing through the dielectric layers down to the lower level metallization layer in order to absorb the electron beam current. The electron beam accelerating voltage of the FESEM controls the probing depth or penetration level through the dielectric layers. A single probe is placed on the exposed, upper layer metallization to complete the circuit and allow the electrons to flow through the interconnect.
Observation of high resistance and shorts due to Seebeck effect is possible by using dual probes along with the Hitachi patented differential EBAC amplifiers.
User-Friendly Design
• Intuitive GUI(Graphical User Interface) with various image and color processing functions.
• Coarse positioning of probes are accomplished by an integrated in-chamber CCD camera system.
Premium Image Quality
• Provides high quality EBAC images with Hitachi's patented high performance EBAC amplifiers.