IM4000II supports both cross section milling and flat-milling to prepare specimens depending on the purpose. Cooling Temperature Control, Air Protection Holder Unit, and Various options enable preparation of various cross section specimens.
High Milling Rate
The cross section milling rate*1 of the IM4000II is 500 µm/h or greater. It is effective for hard materials that conventionally require extended processing.
When the swing angle during cross section milling changes, the corresponding processing width and depth change. The figure below shows the SEM images of a Si wafer after cross section milling. Processing conditions are the same as shown above except the swing angle has been reduced from ±30˚ to ±15˚. It is demonstrated that the processing depth is deeper than the above results and therefore very effective for rapid cross section preparation of specimens with a target structure far from the top surface.
Hybrid Milling
Cross section Milling
A pristine surface can be achieved by sputtering (milling) protruding parts of the specimen that extend beyond the maskedge. By irradiating the ion-beam parallel to the processed surface of the specimen, flat and smooth milling is possible even with complex materials of different compositions.