Unlike conventional exhaust gas analysis, the HiSense™ analysis systems from HiTec Zang also offer the biological variables OTR, CTR and RQ. The devices are suited for R&D and laboratory applications and for production and quality assurance.
Measuring equipment
Sensors are used for oxygen analysis which are distinguished by their low interference, low-noise readings and high long-term stability.
NDIR photometers with a minimum of zero and increase errors are used for the CO2 measurement. Through a new form of special measuring method even the precise measurement of very low activity both for small differences and for small measured gas flows are possible.
• 2 to 5 measuring channels for up to 4 fermenters with a common gas feed or 2 fermenters with separate gas feeds
• High-resolution measurement (HiSense™-c)
• Humidity correction / gas drying (HiSense™-c)
• "Genuine" OUR, CER and RQ measurement (HiSense™-c)
• Low interference
• Overpressure possible
• Wear-free sensors
• Compact
• Additional functions can be integrated
• Optionally freely programmable
• Many possibilities for couplings
• Data export