LabManager® can be expanded by using sub-stations in order to increase the number of racks or to distribute the inputs/outputs across various positions of an installation or racks.
Various bus coupling units are available for this purpose. If it is simply intended to expand the number of available slots, while retaining the LabManager® and sub-stations at the same location, an LM-BCUSO slide-in module in the LabManager® and an LM-BCUI slide-in module in the sub-station will be sufficient.
If it is intended to connect several sub-stations or if the length of cable between the LabManager® and sub-stations should be longer than 1 m, an LM-BCUO slide-in module should be used in the LabManager® and an LM-BCUI slide-in module in each of the substations.
The HiBus™ system is self-configurating, i.e. no rack addresses etc. have to be set.
This slide-in module is used for connecting the sub-stations 5 to 8 to a LabManager® AS by HiBus™.