Take advantage of our premium battery controller, the only measurement, evaluation and communication unit for lead-acid batteries in industrial traction applications that displays "State of Usage" as well as "State of Readiness". This makes our solution the most intelligent battery controller on the market today. It measures the battery state in real time to improve operational safety and productivity. It communicates with the battery's environment (e.g. charger, trak | monitor, PC and industrial truck) and transmits diagnostic data to a monitoring system of your choice. With our battery controller, you have the possibility of permanently optimizing your systems, which contributes to increased economic efficiency as well as to avoid operational interruptions. By recording all important variables such as voltage, current, temperature and electrolyte level, you have full transparency over your traction battery at all times.
Your advantages
Predictive maintenance
Improved investment protection for battery and vehicle
Optimization of driving operation by specifying the remaining driving time