Model CY611 Dynamometer
Model CY611 dynamometer is capable of inspecting the operation situation of a pumping unit. A dynamometer diagram records the stress variation curve of pumping unit stroke. The various operation situations of a pumping unit can be analyzed according to the dynamometer diagram.
The proportional relation of stress range of three supports of the instrument is 1:0.75:0.53.
To operate the instrument, please go by the following:
When the calibration pressure of bourdon tube is 6 MPa,the stress measuring range is should not exceed 48KN.
When the calibration pressure of bourdon tube is 10 MPa, the stress measuring range should not go beyond 80KN.
While changing the driving wheels, there are three reduction ratios for the dynamometer: 1:15; 1:30; 1:45.
Diaphragm is driven by water power. It is made of Ph-Cu membrane, which is 0.15mm thick and 61mm in diameter.