IHF01 measures heat flux and surface temperature of industrial equipment like furnaces, boilers, fluidised beds, distillation columns and ovens. The sensors inside IHF01, a thermopile and a thermocouple, are protected by a fully sealed stainless steel body. It is suitable for long-term use at one location as well as repeated installation when a measuring system is used at multiple locations. IHF01 measures heat flux through the object on which it is mounted, in W/m^2, as well as the temperature in °C. The sensors in IHF01 are a thermopile and a type K thermocouple. The thermopile measures the local heat flux. The thermocouple measures the absolute temperature of the surface on which HF01 is mounted, as well as the approximate sensor body temperature.
IHF01 is extremely robust and suitable for use at high temperatures. It is waterproof and withstands high pressures. Another advantage is that IHF01's signal wires are electrically insulated from the sensor body. IP protection class is IP67.
heat flux temperature
Measurement range
(-1000 to +1000) x 10³ W/m²
Sensitivity (nominal)
9 x 10⁻⁹ V/(W/m²)