Permanent Magnet DC Stepper PAS, PBS Direct Drive Specifications:
Step Angle: 7.5° & 15°
Position Accuracy: +/- 5% max.
Number of Phases: 4 phase bifilar
Insulation Class: Class A (105°C)
Lead Wire: 6 leads 24AWG (approx. 8.5 inches [215.9 mm])
Operation Ambient Temp: -10°C to +40°C (approx.)
Shaft Bearing: Sleeve Bearing
Note: Typical data subject to change without notification
Addtional Information:
PAS and PBS series motors provide users a choice of step angles of 7.5° or 15°, standard or Hi-Torque rotors and a choice of mounting plates. Voltages other than those shown as well as 2-phase bipolar windings may be specified.
• Sleeve bearings are standard.
• The square mounting plate is standard, a diamond shaped plate may be specified.