The SPP PUMPS, S4VHL pumps offer maximum flow rates up to 750 GPM (2,850 l/min), maximum head of 64 m (210 feet), with the maximum hydraulic input of 25 GPM (95 l/min), and can withstand pressure up to 3000 PSI (204 bar). They weigh 150 Lbs (72 kg), can handle 3 inch (80 mm) solids, featuring a 4 inch discharge size, and can fit through a 20" diameter manhole, due to it's small size. They are mostly used for various waste water or sewage applications, for transfer of solids and laden fluids. The pumps can be delivered in aluminum or ductile iron versions. They contain oil lubricated seals, offer different hydraulic drive speeds, a fully recessed vortex impeller. Also, they can be bolted directly into a pipeline.