The S6150 is offers a solids handling pump that offers really high performance on jobs twhere long discharge runs or higher heads are encountered. Examples of these situations can be lift stations or in ship offloading. Its discharge size is 6 inches. The solid handling size capacity varies from 3 inches to about 75 mm. Its maximum flow rate is 2450 GPM or 9270 LPM. The maximum head will have a length of 310 Feet or 95 M.
Morevoer, it has a hydraulic input of 90 GPM or 340 LPM. The hydraulic pressure ranges from 2500 PSI or 170 Bar. The maximum weight of the S6150 is 650 lbs or 294Kg. It also offers features like balanced two vane closed channel impeller will pass 3"" (75 mm) semi-solids.