The CV08-20 is a screw-in, cartridge style, hydraulic check valve for use as a blocking or load-holding device.
The cartridge valve allows flow from port 1 to 2, while normally blocking flow in the opposite direction. The cartridge valve has a fully guided check which is spring biased closed until sufficient pressure is applied at port 1 to open to port 2.
Hardened seat for long life and low leakage.
Optional bias springs for back-pressure application flexibility.
Fully guided check assembly.
Compact size.
Fast closing and seating.
Mineral based or synthetic hydraulic fluid with lubricating properties
Fluid Viscosity Range:
7.4 to 420 cSt
Maximum Operating Contamination Level:
20/18/14 per ISO 4406
Unit Weight:
0.05 kg (0.12 lb)
Internal Wetted Surface Area:
60 cm² (9.3 in²)
08-size-2-way Cavities
Cartridge Installation Torque:
25.8 to 28.5 N-m (19 to 21 ft-lb)
Maximum Allowable Torque:
54 N-m (40 ft-lb)
Orientation Restriction: