Get superior non-turbulent grit dewatering, optimized for fine wastewater grit.
The Grit Snail® is a quiescent dewatering belt escalator that captures and dewaters the fine grit output from a HeadCell®, SlurryCup™ or TeaCup® grit removal system. Providing solids output with low water content, the Grit Snail® reduces solids handling and landfill costs.
Designed to handle very fine grit, the slow-moving belt pulls solids from clarifier water without agitating the water, thereby retaining even very fine particles.
The Grit Snail® is a quiescent dewatering belt escalator that captures and dewaters the fine grit output from a HeadCell®, SlurryCup™ or TeaCup® grit removal system. Providing solids output with low water content, the Grit Snail® reduces solids handling and landfill costs.
Designed to handle very fine grit, the slow-moving belt pulls solids from clarifier water without agitating the water, thereby retaining even very fine particles. The belt operates within an abrasion-resistant belt housing and incorporates components with no metal-to-metal contact, in order to reduce wear. The variable frequency drive adjusts belt speed to match changing grit loads and the torque-limiting clutch protects the drive system and belt from mechanical overload.
Municipal wastewater plants with combined sewers or industrial loads require greater dewatering capacity; different sizes of Grit Snail® units or multiple Grit Snail® units can be configured to match any grit load.
Only Grit Snail®
Separates the grit washing and dewatering process to reduce turbulence
Uses a quiescent dewatering process in order to retain even the finest grit particles