General information
One of the main and most persistent problems that occur in sewage pumping installations is the presence of solids. Regardless of the kind of pumps used, there is a constant risk of clogging of the pumps' hydraulic system, which causes an emergency in the pumping station. Especially troublesome are here solid elements in the form of strings, rags, bandages, etc. carried by sewage. Using 'clogless rotor', free-flow pumps will always involve a drop in hydraulic efficiency, which will result in increased cost of maintenance of the pumping station. Using a pumping station with separation of solids allows to effectively avoid above-mentioned and other problems that occur in sewage pumping systems.
The main advantages of the sewage pumping station include:
reduction to a minimum of occurrences of emergencies caused by clogging of pumps by solid materials from sewage (long and dragging),
minimising of the risk of damaging the hydraulic system of the pumps (separation of solids before the pump),
using high-efficiency pumps allows to use engines with less power,
building a sewage pumping station in a dry chamber definitely improves the comfort of conducted maintenance and repair work,
lower capacities of tanks prevent sewage decomposition and production of unpleasant odours (more frequent activation of pumps).
TS sewage pumps can be used in any sewage system. By analysing in detail their advantages, they can be recommended for use in the following areas:
pumping within a large range of pressure of inflowing sewage,
places where high elevation is required,
sewage systems where large quantities of dragged materials appear, e.g.