The co-rotating technology delivered by ICMA is appropriate when:
— There is a need to process materials that are hardly recyclable with traditional technologies
— You want to create a material with higher specification to replace virgin materials in technical applications
— You need a very high production capacity. In these cases, it becomes more and more frequently the case of companies normally using single-screw extruders for the recycling of materials from post-consumer, that when it becomes necessary to expand their business, they choose to almost double their production capacity by replacing the existing single-screw extruders with the same number of twin-screw co-rotating ones.
Another advantage, not negligible considering the trend of the energy costs, is represented by the very high energy efficiency that the co-rotating technology guarantees.
Notwithstanding all these assessments, is still difficult to "sell" these benefits when you have to extrude a seemingly simple product: However it should be considered that only the co-rotating technology has the unique opportunity to engineering the recycled materials by adding fillers or reinforcements thus giving a much larger and profitable opportunity to the market.