Special Machines
90-60-90; 120-4-150; 140-25-50…… are not the vital statistics of perfect or…. strange girls, but the sizes of some of the boxes accepted by the “made-to-measure” machines that we produce.
Also sealing tapes:
- with vertical sections up to 250 mm long.
- with strips 180 mm wide;
- on the corners of the box only;
- enfolding, involving five sides of the box;
- as well as closing with metal staples or an as alternative choice;
- self-adhesive or of gummed paper simultaneously and/or as an alternative choice;
are some of the possibilities available.
So if you have the need to close and tape the following boxes:
- American type,
- marmotta (base+cover),
- dinked,
- all-round,
with strips of gummed paper or adhesive tape to protect your products, turn to us with faith, be they of corrugated cardboard (or other), of any shape and size and require ad hoc taping.
Whatever your requirements, let’s talk about them and find the solution together.
90-60-90; 120-4-150; 140-25-50… are not the vital statistics of perfect or… strange girls, but the
sizes of some of the boxes accepted by the “made-to-measure” machines that we produce. Also
sealing tapes: with vertical sections up to 250 mm long, with strips 180 mm wide, on the corners of
the box only, “enfolding”, involving five sides of the box, as well as closing with metal staples or an
alternative choice, self-adhesive or of gummed paper simultaneously or as an alternative choice, are
some of the possibilities available.
So if you have the need to close and tape the following boxes:
· American type,
· marmot (base+cover),