Our soft eners are used where calcium and magnesium encrusted salts need to be eliminated. Thanks to the syntheti c resins contained inside the soft ener, calcium and magnesium salts are substi tuted with water-soluble sodium salts. Such resins are conti nuously eff ecti ve with saturated brine fl ows in a proper salt tank included in the supply.
The choice of the soft ener depends on:
Cyclic capacity, that is the amount of water having 1° F of conventi onal hardness which can be soft ened between two regenerati ons (the cyclic capacity shall be divided into French degrees of the water being treated in order to get the amount of water produced between two regener)
Hourly flow required for utilization.
Automatic time control functioning: is the classic system that find applicati on in households and with a relatively costant water demand (needing set up ti me for regeneration).
Automatic volume control functioning: it finds applicati on with discontinuos flow (e.g. refilling boiler), or if exist the storage tank for softener water. The advantage is that the salt consumption is directly proportional to the softener water production.
Automatic volume control alternate duplex functioning: it finds application when a continuos production of softener water is required, 24 hours a day. The advantage is that the salt consumption is directly proportional to the softener water production and flow is continuous.