(NORMATIVE EN 779- 1822- ISO 16890)
The category of filter cartridges is designed for the treatment of dry dust for applications where monitoring of air purification is essential.
These types of filter elements are able to stop submicronic particles with a very good yield.
Hepa filters are also known as “absolute filters”, a category which also includes Ulpa filters characterized by high filtration efficiency.
Hepa filters have a filtration efficiency ranging from 85% (E10) to 99.995% (H14), while Ulpa filters (Ultra Low Penetration Air) have a filtration efficiency
between 99,9995% (U15) and 99,999995% (U17).
Classes with increasing performance characteristics.
They are classified on the basis of the filtration efficiency of the particles of 0.3 µm, in compliance with the normative UNI EN 1822.
Are divided into several categories with increasing performance characteristics:
E10-E12 (EPA): high efficiency class also called “semi-absolute filters”.
H13-H14 (HEPA): very high efficiency class also known as “absolute filters”.
U15-U17 (ULPA): very low penetration class
They must be prefixed by lower yield prefilters to extend the operating life of the filter.
The filter elements use suitable gaskets to guarantee the complete sealing of the filter.