Shaped rolls for bending road barriers according to safety regulations
Bending of leg-in leg-out guard rail 3 waves
Bending of leg-in leg-out guard rail 2 waves
Rolls with extended shafts for bending U profiles
Visualization for the positioning of bending rolls
Product details
In addition to special machines to bend corrugated sheets, IMCAR has created guard rail bending machines, that are able to bend road safety barriers. You can bend profiles with 2 or 3 waves either leg-in leg-out. You can work all the metal profiles bi-or tri-waves, both with internal and external leg, in the limits of mechanical deformation of the material.
This machine is driven by hydraulic motors. All the operations concerning the rotation of rolls, lifting and lowering of top roll are driven by push buttons on a remote control desk movable on wheels. Equipments for the different sections remain assembled on the machine and make “Guard Rail” easy to use and always ready to produce following sheets:
To bend guardrail 2 waves, either leg-in or leg-out, it is required an installation (about 15 minutes of work) of two containment rings on the existing equipment.
IMCAR guard rail bending machines are designed and manufactured with particular attention to customer needs.