Electro-pneumatic positioner DE/3M-3-EP (fig. 2) are modular, consisting of a pneumatic positioner DE/3M-3 (fig. 1) and an electro-pneumatic transducer. The two units are assembled together. Positioner DE/3M-3-EP is based on the balanced-forces principle. it is basically composed as follows:
• an electro-pneumatic transducer operated by the electrical control signal;
• a diaphragm operated by pneumatic control signal originated by the transducer;
• a reverse feed-back spring;
• a double-acting spool valve connected to a diaphragm and spring through the stem.
Double-acting positioner DE/3M-3-EP can be converted to simple-acting positioner by plugging the connection between the positioner and the cylinder chamber on the shaft's side. Moreover it is necessary to install a system for cylinder's return.