The Langmuir Spatial Probe uses an automated linear drive to scan across a plasma and take measurements of plasma parameters at different locations. The spatial profiling of the plasma can help solve issues around uniformity.
The Langmuir Spatial Probe measures the spatial profile of the plasma like: plasma density, floating potential, plasma potential, ion current density, and the electron energy distribution function. Our system uses the most up to date probe theory available, drawing on Orbital Motion Limited and as the pressure regimes change, moving on to Allen Boyd Reynolds to account for collisions.
The Langmuir Probe equipped with a linear drive system helps to characterise the plasma parameters at different locations inside a plasma reactor.
The Langmuir Spatial Probe is the key instrument used to measure the internal parameters of plasma while using an automated linear drive to scan across the bulk of the plasma. key parameters measured are electron density, Ion density, electron temperature, plasma potential, floating potential and the electron energy distribution function (EEDF). The Langmuir Spatial Probe provides plasma characterisation measurements in DC, RF, microwave, continuous and pulsed plasma. The Langmuir Spatial Probe analyses ion and electron trajectories to obtain accurate measurements of the plasma parameters in a wide range of plasma applications. The Langmuir Spatial Probe is the fastest and most reliable Langmuir probe in the world (time resolution 12.5ns). In addition to speed and reliability. The Langmuir Probe provides the most advanced and trusted, fully automated data analysis in real time.