Change up to 140 tools (HSK-T63) in 6 seconds chip-to-chip time – thereby shortening secondary processing times at both spindles
Extensive automation options – tailored to the individual customer needs
X travel ranges of up to 780 mm
The magazine – all tools on board
With up to 140 magazine stations, tools can be changed in only 6 sec chip-to-chip time on both spindles. The tool loading strip allows even more productivity gains by changing 8 tools during machining.
70/140 tool stations (HSK-T63 mounting)
Shortest change cycles; chip-to-chip time only 6 s
Simultaneous and independent loading of both milling spindles possible
High degree of functional reliability due to standard tool magazine with chain design
The arrangement of the milling spindles in the middle of the machine bed ensures transmission of force via particularly short lever arms. This results in high vibration damping and hence prolonged tool life.
The advantage for you:
Better workpiece quality and reduced costs over the entire life cycle of the machine.
Handling unit
Loading with short loader or robot, by manual loading or automation with complete integration
Each motorized milling spindle is equipped with 6 tool locations for stationary turning tools for highly productive machining. W-serration ensures maximum repeatability when changing a tool holder.
The unique machine kinematics allows complete machining of bevel gears on the INDEX R300. Significant added value for the user.
Link to gear cutting user report