The unique combination of properties inherent to all Teflon® industrial coatings make them a natural choice in a number of industries. Very few solid substances will permanently adhere to a Teflon® coating. While tacky materials may show some adhesion, almost all substances release easily. Teflon® can operate continuously at temperatures up to 550°F and can be used for intermittent service up to 600°F with adequate ventilation. Many Teflon® industrial coatings can withstand temperatures as low as -454°F without loss of physical properties. Chemical environments usually do not affect a Teflon® coating. The only chemicals known to affect these coatings are molten alkali metals and highly reactive fluorinating agents. Since Teflon® finishes are both hydrophobic and oleophobic, cleanup is easier and more thorough. The low coefficient of friction that comes with fluoropolymer coatings allows for many industries to use them as a dry lubricant.
We stock the below Teflon series. Click on each to bring up a technical data sheet.