After the hams has been salted, it must be washed with water to eliminate any excess of salt on the surface. In this moment,, this process requires high and uncontrolled water consumption. In addition, the waste of water contains a very high salt concentration which poses contamination problems. Our new line of dry salt recovery system and washing with clean water and a system of control consumes less than one and a half liter of water per ham or piece. And reducing aprox 80 % the waste of salt.
The ham is placed on a special stainless steel chain that transports it towards the desalting machine. There, the action of the high pressure air expelled through the nozzles blows the grains of salt from the ham's surface, which are collected in the machine's lower hopper. The salt recovered is transported by an endless conveyor belt to the machine's exterior for its recovery Then pieces are moving to the washing zone where a sprinkler system adapts to the ham's surface, washing it with high pressure water, and controlling the water consumption less than a litre and a half per piece. This water is channelled to the machine's waste pipe and the ham leaves the wash zone ready for hanging.
- Stainless steel conveyor belt
- Nozzle system with special high pressure turbines
- Endless salt extraction
- Low water consumption washing circuit
- Pump with suction filter
- Independent sprinklers in wash circuit
- Level control of wash water tank
- Control of water consumption per piece