The VarioCAM® HDx head S is a state-of-the-art and very compact radiometric thermographic camera designed for stationary use.
• High-performance detector in (640 × 480) IR pixels format
• GigE-Vision interface for camera control and data acquisition
• Precise and highly repeatable measurements with ± 2 % measurement accuracy
Detector Format
High resolution thermal images for temperature measurement
InfraTec Icon Vollbildfrequenz 60 Hz
Frame Rate
Precise detection of fast temperature changes
infratec-icon-40 mK
Thermal Resolution
Precise detection of smallest temperature differences
Measurement Accuracy
Precise and highly repeatable measurements
infraTec icon optics
Complete Optical Assortment
Adaptation of the image geometry to almost every measuring situation
High-precision Calibration of Infrared Cameras Enables for High Accuracy of Measurements
The infrared camera VarioCAM® High Definition is calibrated using special algorithms. The specially developed calibration algorithm, with more than just a few calibration curves, is used for compensation of temperature fluctuations. Therefore, highest measuring accuracy and repeatability even at changing environmental temperatures is ensured. The exceptional high measuring accuracy can be reached across a wide temperature range.