Greater power densityThis solar PV inverter achieves a marketleading power density of 492 kVA/m3, asit provides up to 3,825 kVA kVA in justone power stack.Latest generation electronicsThe INGECON® SUN 3Power C SeriesPV inverter features an innovative controlunit that performs a more efficient andsophisticated inverter control, as it usesa last-generation digital signal processor.Liquid Cooling System (LCS)Ingeteam has already supplied +52 GWof liquid-cooled wind power convertersworldwide. It offers a greater thermal stability and a more optimized componentusage. The LCS has been designed torefrigerate the IGBTs, the power phasesand the IP65 compartment. It featuresless moving components, so it consumes a lower amount of power and itrequires less maintenance works.The LCS is a closed circuit supplied totally filled and purged, equipped with fastconnectors with an anti-dripping system,so it offers zero risk of particle entrance.It has been designed to avoid siphonsin order to easily purge it if necessary.The coolant used is a biodegradable glycol water mixture. There is no need ofemptying the LCS in order to replace thephases, nor the sensors.