Designed specifically for the processes of the LTL transportation industry this SkidWeigh Plus CubeFreight LTL system captures critical data that freight companies and shippers require to move product on pallets. Similar to all SkidWeigh systems, CubeFreight allows the operator to scan the barcode, weigh a pallet load, select industry standard pallet width and length sizes that are already programmed into the system for easy selection with the option of entering irregular sizes manually. When the pallet length and width have been chosen the system allows the operator to enter the height using the Pallet Height Indicator without ever leaving the seat of the lift truck. This entire process can be achieved in less than 10 seconds with the use of long-range scanners to identify the load. Once all the data is collected it is either extracted through USB on the unit or sent wirelessly to a base station communication hub for FTP data upload to a network, practical for larger fleets.
The CubeFreight freight weight function is based on the hydraulic pressure transducer that can be easily installed in the hydraulic lift circuit of any material handling equipment regardless of voltage and capacity and does not alter the rating requiring the vehicle to be re-plated. Once installed, an even simpler calibration process, it begins by lifting a known load against the weight of the empty forks or attachment. Once this is acknowledged the system software takes over and the SkidWeigh Plus CubeFreight is ready to use.