This gas leak detector provides rapid and sensitive detection of a wide range of gases including Helium, Refrigerants and Hydrogen
With over 30 years of experience in the leak detection industry, the Panther Gas Leak Detector follows on from the success of its predecessor, the GasCheck series. Designed for the search and location of gas leaks, the Panther feels natural to hold in the hand during use.
Simply draw the instrument along the area that requires testing at approximately 25mm per second. When a leak is detected, retrace the route at a slower rate until the leak is located. Once the leak is
located, hold the instrument over the leak until the measurement stabilises.
Internal Piezo Pump
The Panther Gas Leak Detector utilises a micro thermal conductivity sensor which offers fast and sensitive detection for many gases. The internal piezo pump offers extremely stable sample flow and makes it highly stable in draughty environments. The Panther has also demonstrated its relative immunity in high electro-magnetic field environments, eg MRI scanners.
ION PC & Bluetooth Connectivity
Setting up the Panther Gas Leak Detector and down-loading data is simplified via the Panthers integrated Bluetooth system and ION PC Software platform. Users can select which measurement gas is required from the internal gas table, allocate the unit to an individual operator or inspection area and choose preferred operator language.
Extended Warranty
The Panther Gas Leak Detector can be registered online which extends warranty to up to 2 years. Register your instrument online within one month of purchase to extend the warranty.