The Syscal Junior is an all-purpose resistivity and induced polarization sounding and profiling system for environmental applications. The system is supplied as a standard sounding system capable of recording two measurements simultaneously, perfect for performing offset Wenner sounding arrays. The output current is automatically adjusted (automatic ranging) to optimize the input voltage values and to ensure the best measurement quality.
Compact, easy-to-use and field proof, the Syscal Junior measures both resistivity and chargeability (IP). With a maximum power output of 100W at 800Vpp, the Syscal Junior is suitable for most near surface geophysical prospection applications, such as pollution monitoring and mapping, salinity control, depth-to-rock determination and weathered bedrock mapping. In high resistance environments it may be necessary to use the Syscal Junior R1 plus.
Water ressources
Locate conductive fault in fractured acquifere
Assess water table characteristics
Characterize salt water wedge extension in groundwater
Monitor pollution
Detect leaks and monitor degradation in waste disposal
Locate and image buried structures
Natural hazard
Detect and characterize cavities
Assess landslide extension and volume
Detect and locate clayey layers for geotechnical application