IRIS Instruments proposes two converters that will raise different primary voltages which will be used by Syscal devices for the injection:
- A 250W DC/DC converter supplied by a 12V battery
- A 1200W AC/DC converter supplied by a standard motor generator.
The 250W DC/DC converter has been specifically developed for the Syscal R2. It must be supplied by a 12V battery. A manual switch enables to choose the output voltage between: 100V, 200V, 400V and 800V with a maximum power available of 250W corresponding respectively to maximum intensities of 2500, 1250, 625 and 312 mA.
The 1200W AC/DC converter has been specifically developed for the Syscal R2 and the Syscal Pro. It is supplied by a small 2.2 kVA motor generator. A manual switch enables to choose the output voltage between: 50V, 100V, 200V, 400V and 800V with a maximum power available of 1200W. The maximum output current is 2.5A.
The 1200W converter continuously checks the internal current value and the output voltage. For an optimal security, the device stops in security mode during short-circuit and bad voltage stabilization.
Water ressources
Locate conductive fault in fractured acquifere
Assess water table characteristics
Characterize salt water wedge extension in groundwater
Monitor pollution
Detect leaks and monitor degradation in waste disposal
Locate and image buried structures
Natural hazard
Detect and characterize cavities
Assess landslide extension and volume
Detect and locate clayey layers for geotechnical application
Mineral exploration
Detect dike type orebody
Deep orebody or detection
Detect lens type orebody