With EASY WEIGHTER DYNAMOMETER is possible weigh any type of product, and it’s suitable in every application where is requested: speed of tuning, precision and reliability.
Is constituted of: electric equipment and one load cell with max load 500 or 1000 kg.
The structure is strong and doesn’t need service; it can be used to weight paillasses, bales of hay etc, it’s sufficient connect the cable through the connector of the instrument and switch it on to make the weighing.
It is possible memorize until 100 weighing with a progressive number
Review them one by one or visualize the total of the measures in memory
Simple to use
It is supplied with a practice suitcase in shockproof plastic and direction for use
• Resolution: 1 digit
• Power supply: battery 9 V
• Power off: automatic after 3 min.
• Dimensions: 140x85x40