CYCLONES are particularly used in the chips and dust division. They are rigorously calculated with the help of a specific and powerful software supplied by Italyvacuum technicians.
The cyclones and hypercyclones vacuum cleaners are supplied in various sizes and shapes according to the system to which they are to be connected and the different type of material to be vacuumed.
They are extremely useful to avoid clogging of the filters and consequently lengthening their life. These are sometimes mandatory for the treatment of certain types of very fine powders or metal shavings which can vary in shape and weight.
Among the main advantages:
High efficiency in dust recovery
Total lack of maintenance owing it to the absence of moving parts
Requirement of limited spaces for the implementation of the system
No limitation of performance in case of extreme temperatures
Possibility of having them both anchored to the ground and mobile on wheels owing it to the extreme flexibility of the system
Available in ATEX version