It keeps everything on track! Plain Bearing Sleeve D40/D30 ESD with anti-torsion feature allows you to guide a Profile Tube D40/30 accurately along a Profile Tube D30 and Profile 6 D30. These Plain Bearing Sleeves use the grooves to prevent rotation around the longitudinal axis of the guide profile. As a result, the moving components in an LCA/Karakuri/LCA application glide along the support profile and keep the same orientation, thanks to the anti-torsion feature. This makes it easier to guide counterweights in Karakuri/LCA applications without risking any rotation around the guide profile.
Plain Bearing D40/D30-50 ESD with anti-torsion feature is available as a complete set in a length of 50 mm. The separate components can be used to build custom bearings in the desired length so as to achieve ideal guidance characteristics.
Note: Unlike the variant with an anti-torsion feature, Plain Bearing Sleeves D40/D30 ESD (0.0.665.63) also permit rotary movements.
Plain Bearing D40/D30-50 ESD
When building custom plain bearings in lengths of over 50 mm, four holes need to be drilled in the Profile Tube D40/D30 (0.0.666.63) to accommodate the tabs on the Plain Bearing Sleeves.
Fx = 50 N
Fz = 500 N
Mx = 5 Nm
My = 5 Nm
Mz = 0 Nm (0.0.665.36)
Mz = 5 Nm (0.0.676.25)