The IXXAT CIP Safety Software can be used for implementing CIP Safety Targets (slaves) and CIP Safety originator (master) devices based on EtherNet/IP or Sercos. When using Sercos as a non-secure communication protocol, all necessary adaptation modules for the connection to the Sercos stack or the Sercos IP are available. Getting started with the CIP Safety technology is simplified by the included PC demo, showing the capabilities and operation of a target and originator device.
Features and Benefits
Supported standards: CIP Safety specification Edition 2.19
Supported platforms: PC demo, TÜV pre-certified and CIP Safety pre-conformance tested on PXA255 and ARM Cortex-M3
Operating system independent - Runs with and without an operating system
Supports CIP Safety on Sercos and EtherNet/IP
Supports parallel CIP safety connection for Originator and Target
Designed according to IEC 61508 for applications up to SIL-3
Interfaces enable porting to different hardware and software platforms
Simplified integration and re-certification on any target systems via included unit test suites and Safety Manual